Category Archives for "Longevity"Longevity and anti ageing
Longevity and anti ageing
If you work out, you’ve probably heard about rest and recovery. You may also be wondering what’s the difference between the two and how can you use the concept to make your workouts more effective. The major difference is the level of activity. Rest days are just what they sound like. You might lie around […]
Continue readingGuided Meditation For Stress Relief When we are stressed, worried, anxious, or upset, it can be a great option to implement mediation into our life. Time spent in meditation restores peace and calm and can bring a sense of restoration to the mind. Meditation is a great practice because it can be done anywhere. Guided […]
Continue readingGetting older is a fact of life. So lets make the best of it. As we age, we look for things we can do to prevent wrinkles, diseases, and cognitive function. The good news is that there are hundreds of things that can be done to help you age in the best way possible. Here […]
Continue readingWays To Eat More But Weight Less The title of this article closely resembles one of those pesky pop-up ads on your favorite Internet site, claiming some remarkable fitness solution “in just 30 days!”. When it comes to weight management, most would assume that in order to lose (or maintain) a certain body weight, eating […]
Continue readingImprove Mobility With Arthritis. For many people, especially the elderly, arthritis is a debilitating illness. Arthritis causes increased inflammation around the joint that can lead to immobility and pain. While there are conventional medical treatments that are available for people with arthritis, many wonder what can be done along with medication to help improve mobility […]
Continue readingOf all the organs that make up the human physiology, the heart is arguably the most vital, and therefore informing oneself on how to take care of your heart is something that all people should make a priority in one’s daily life and routine. Consider the following five easy ways to incorporate heart healthy activities […]
Continue readingLiving Healthy and Saving Your Sanity should not be that difficult – here are some tips to help you. Introduction You might have seen them Skinny people…they seem to be everywhere. On TV, billboards, and at the beach. They make it look easy to look the way they do. You see her at Starbucks while […]
Continue readingCan Meditation Help Keep Your Brain Young? As people age, their brain’s lose weight and volume. These changes may start to occur in people as early as their mid to late 20s. Previous research has shown people who meditate to lose less brain mass over time than those who do not. In particular, research concluded […]
Continue readingJuice Fasting for Weight Loss Traditionally juice diets have primarily been used for detoxification purposes. The principles behind this are straightforward and do make sense, but are only designed for a short period of 2-3 days maximum (often called a juice fast). By only consuming fresh juices for a period of time you naturally abstain […]
Continue readingBlood Sugar Levels Many people do not understand the difference between hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Hyper means high and hypo means low. So therefore, hyperglycemia is too high a blood sugar level and hypoglycemia is too low a blood sugar level. Our blood sugar levels can fluctuate depending on our actions, state of health, thoughts or […]
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