Key Components Of A Great Visualization Exercise

Visualization is also known as a “mental rehearsal” and has been utilized since the 1960’s beginning with athletes who wanted to improve their skill and performance.
You only need to visualize for a few minutes each day to receive benefits from the practice. Visualization is a technique that can be done anytime when you can sit or lie down and close your eyes for a few minutes.
Many people prefer to visualize in the morning or before bedtime. It can be nice to set a visualization in the morning so you feel energized throughout the day.
Other people prefer to visualize at night because it allows them time to relax before falling asleep and can lead to dreaming.
Determine which time of day is best for you and try to complete a visualization practice daily. And remember that anytime you need a quick break you can close your eyes and envision a new possibility.
The Process of Visualization:
Begin imaging you are in a theatre or in your living room about to watch a show or movie.
The lights dim around you and the film begins to play out on a big screen in front of you. The movie that is playing is the movie of what you want to do and how you will do it to the best of your abilities.
You want to visualize this with as much detail as possible.
Envision the clothes you are wearing including the shoes, the colors you see, the environment, your expressions and reactions to the events, and any other people who are involved in the experience with you.
There may be other sounds around you like music, nature or the sounds of other people talking.
Recreate any feelings or experiences you want to have or think you would be experiencing as you do the activity.
The next step in the visualization process is to engage in the experience by entering into the movie.
Pretend you can open a door and enter into the screen and begin to experience the whole movie from inside of yourself looking out through your eyes.
This creates an “embodied image” which can help you relate more deeply to the experience. Make sure to feel any feelings you will feel or could experience.
The final step in the visualization process is to walk back out from the screen and sit again in the theatre to watch the experience.
Imagine yourself embodying the idea and allowing it to penetrate into your cells.
Know that you can achieve anything you believe you can as long as you act according to plan and visualize the best outcomes.
After this process, you can open your eyes and continue on with your day.
It should take less than five minutes from start to finish.
If you can incorporate this into your daily routine you may experience amazing shifts and change in your life.
It is also always important to not be attached to outcomes.
Sometimes what we visualize and the outcome are not exactly the same. This does not mean our visualization has failed us.
As we experience real life unfolding, we use our free will choice to make decisions about what we want to experience.
So, often the outcome we envisioned will happen differently in real life, because we encounter challenges and barriers to manifestation, but we also engage with others and are allowed to make changes to our vision when we know more about a situation.
Engaging in this practice every day can bring a great amount of change to life and can bring new opportunities and possibilities for experiencing something new we want to achieve.