
Category Archives for "Detox"

Best Home Remedies – Try These Top  Home Remedies

Home Remedy

Top Natural Home Remedies You don’t always want to go to the doctor when your illness isn’t bad or have to take harsh medicines to treat them when it seems unnecessary. For many, the answer to this problem is natural home remedies. These remedies are typically easily concocted in the home to cure common, everyday […]

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5 Ways Eating Whole Foods Serves Your Health

Eat Healthy

Are Whole foods really that good? If you’re looking for a way to stay healthy, decrease the risk of suffering from some serious diseases, and slow down the process of ageing, then you should eat more whole foods. Whole foods are the foods closest to their natural state, which means that they contain much more […]

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Weight Loss – How Alternative Medicine Can Help

Weight Loss

Can Alternative Medicine Help? Sometimes an issues needs to be considered from a new direction. Could this be useful for weight loss as well? Introduction The internet and bookstores are filled with weight loss books, diets, eating plans, and advice on how to lose weight. And most people who try to lose weight may find […]

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5 Cool & Tricky Ways To Eat More But Weigh Less


Ways To Eat More But Weight Less  The title of this article closely resembles one of those pesky pop-up ads on your favorite Internet site, claiming some remarkable fitness solution “in just 30 days!”. When it comes to weight management, most would assume that in order to lose (or maintain) a certain body weight, eating […]

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Natural Remedies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment


Chronic fatigue Syndrome Fighting With Natural Remedies It is perfectly normal to feel tired after strenuous physical activity, and usually, after a short period of rest, you should feel well recovered. However, if you find yourself feeling tired for seemingly no reason at all and the feeling of exhaustion persists, you may want to visit […]

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Juice Fasting’s Many Benefits For Health


Juice Fasting for Weight Loss Traditionally juice diets have primarily been used for detoxification purposes. The principles behind this are straightforward and do make sense, but are only designed for a short period of 2-3 days maximum (often called a juice fast). By only consuming fresh juices for a period of time you naturally abstain […]

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