
Category Archives for "Nutrition"

Nutrition and eating

Foods That Can Help With Your Arthritis


If you are struggling with arthritis, you might want to first look for natural remedies for your pain. A common way to find relief for arthritis pain is to choose the right foods to eat. Here are some different foods that help to reduce inflammation causing your arthritis flare-ups. Spices The first type of food […]

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Why You Should Drink More Coconut Water

Coconut water

When people talk about the health benefits of coconut, they often talk about coconut oil or even milk, but don’t forget about coconut water! This also has some amazing benefits for your physical health. Here are some different reasons you should be drinking more coconut water. It Can Help You Lose Weight Many people struggle […]

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Healthy Smoothies That Use Coconut


If you are someone that likes to drink smoothies in the morning, then you will have some great opportunities for adding more coconut to your regular diet. The following smoothie recipes are going to use coconut to flavor them, while also adding to their health benefits at the same time. Want some extra protein? Try […]

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Improving Digestion With Coconut


If you are having problems with your digestion, coconut will be your new best friend. You can add more coconut to the foods and drinks you consume, detox your body, and help with proper digestive health as well. This will make you feel much better and even give you some more energy as well. Start […]

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