Can Chocolate Actually Be Healthy And Good For You?


Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate Everybody has a sweet tooth, and chocolate is a no-fail satisfier. Dark high quality chocolate in particular (not your typical Snickers) has several health benefits that make it a bit more justifiable to snack on! For many years, chocolate has been viewed as the ultimate comfort food and it has […]

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Can Meditation Help Keep Your Brain Young?


As people age, their brain’s lose weight and volume. These changes may start to occur in people as early as their mid to late 20s. Previous research has shown people who meditate to lose less brain mass over time than those who do not. In particular, research concluded people who meditated showed less of a […]

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Weight Loss – How Alternative Medicine Can Help

Weight Loss

Can Alternative Medicine Help? Sometimes an issues needs to be considered from a new direction. Could this be useful for weight loss as well? Introduction The internet and bookstores are filled with weight loss books, diets, eating plans, and advice on how to lose weight. And most people who try to lose weight may find […]

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4 Types Of Diet To Always Avoid


Diets You Should Never Use  If you are reading this, chances are that you have decided to make a change in your eating habits. The fact that this part of your life is something you would like to improve is admirable, as so many of us get caught up in the fray of every day […]

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5 Cool & Tricky Ways To Eat More But Weigh Less


Ways To Eat More But Weight Less  The title of this article closely resembles one of those pesky pop-up ads on your favorite Internet site, claiming some remarkable fitness solution “in just 30 days!”. When it comes to weight management, most would assume that in order to lose (or maintain) a certain body weight, eating […]

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5 Tips To Improve Mobility With Arthritis. 


Improve Mobility With Arthritis.  For many people, especially the elderly, arthritis is a debilitating illness. Arthritis causes increased inflammation around the joint that can lead to immobility and pain. While there are conventional medical treatments that are available for people with arthritis, many wonder what can be done along with medication to help improve mobility […]

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5 Ways To Support Heart Health


Of all the organs that make up the human physiology, the heart is arguably the most vital, and therefore informing oneself on how to take care of your heart is something that all people should make a priority in one’s daily life and routine. Consider the following five easy ways to incorporate heart healthy activities […]

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Why Are You Beating Yourself Up With Food?

Unhealthy Food

Stop Beating Yourself Up With Food  Let’s get real for a minute. You only have one life and one body. You’ve got one chance to be happy and healthy. So why are you ruining it with only eating unhealthy food? Or why are you not taking part in the pleasure of life by only eating […]

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How Coconut Can Aid in Your Weight Loss


If you are struggling to lose weight, coconut can actually help you quite a bit. Whether you are making the switch to coconut palm sugar or trying to drink more water, coconut will help you. Here are some different ways that coconut helps to aid in your weight loss efforts. You Can Use Coconut Palm […]

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Understanding Sleep Patterns And What To Do To Affect Them


Understanding the Different Stages of Sleep Also discover if you have any sleep disorders. A sleep schedule may help you  to get better rest and avoid sleep problems or optimize sleep duration ensuring quality sleep. Each night when you go to sleep, your body and mind goes through a lot of changes. Sleep changes and […]

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