What Can Be Done To Slow Or Stop Hair Loss?

Hair Loss

It Happens To Many Of US: Hair Loss. Preventing hair loss may seem to be an overwhelming and impossible task. Many people perceive this problem to be one of the natural consequences of aging, but for those who suffer hair loss early in life this doesn’t ring true. They naturally ask, “why me?” Thinning and […]

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Does It Matter When You Sleep – Can You Change That?


How to Improve Your Sleep with a Shift Work Schedule Working the graveyard shift can have many advantages. While everyone else is working, you can be at home. You also can go to doctor’s appointments and take care of other things that you normally would have to take a day off work to do. If […]

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How Too Much Sleep Can Negatively Affect Your Wellbeing


Do You Have a Problem with Oversleeping? Oversleeping can seem like a great thing when your schedule allows for it, but this is actually a lot worse for your health and wellness than you might think. Both inadequate sleep and too much sleep are not good for you. The best thing to do for your […]

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Are You Getting Enough- Sleep Here Are Some Signs


Some Signs That You Aren’t Getting Enough Sleep If you are you constantly in a poor mood and aren’t sure why? Do you feel exhausted throughout the day, even when you felt like you slept enough? DO you find it hard to concentrate? If so, you might be dealing with a lack of sleep. Even […]

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Healthy Eating Tips And Tricks To Use Right Now

Healthy Eating

Living Healthy and Saving Your Sanity should not be that difficult – here are some tips to help you. Introduction You might have seen them  Skinny people…they seem to be  everywhere. On TV, billboards, and at the beach. They make it look easy to look the way they do. You see her at Starbucks while […]

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Is Multi Tasking Really Effective?


Multi-Tasking and Your Mental Health Does multi-tasking affect your health? It may seem like it is increasing productivity and saving you time and energy, and many women are proud of their multi-tasking abilities. However, ongoing research has confirmed that multi-tasking can have negative effects on levels of productivity and overall brain health in some cases.   […]

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How Does Meditation Affect Your Mental Age?


Can Meditation Help Keep Your Brain Young? As people age, their brain’s lose weight and volume. These changes may start to occur in people as early as their mid to late 20s. Previous research has shown people who meditate to lose less brain mass over time than those who do not. In particular, research concluded […]

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Natural Remedies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment


Chronic fatigue Syndrome Fighting With Natural Remedies It is perfectly normal to feel tired after strenuous physical activity, and usually, after a short period of rest, you should feel well recovered. However, if you find yourself feeling tired for seemingly no reason at all and the feeling of exhaustion persists, you may want to visit […]

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Juice Fasting’s Many Benefits For Health


Juice Fasting for Weight Loss Traditionally juice diets have primarily been used for detoxification purposes. The principles behind this are straightforward and do make sense, but are only designed for a short period of 2-3 days maximum (often called a juice fast). By only consuming fresh juices for a period of time you naturally abstain […]

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